
Under the umbrella of oemof, several libraries for energy system modelling are collected. Each specialised for a certain task. The most recognised library oemof-solph is used to model energy system with LP/MILP. It can be fed with demand data from the demandlib and feedin timeseries from the feedinlib. TESPy provides in-depth modelling of thermal energy systems. oemof-thermal extends oemof-solph components with LP/MILP modelled thermal components. CyDeTS can be used to detect storage cycles. The libraries share common principles, similar APIs, and are at least partially interoperable.

Projects with stable releases

Package Description Links
oemof-solph A model generator for energy system modelling and optimisation (LP/MILP) github_oemof-solph zenodo_oemof-solph
oemof-thermal Tools to model thermal energy components (compression heat pumps, concentrating solar plants, thermal storages and solar thermal collectors) as an extension of oemof-solph github_oemof-thermal zenodo_oemof-thermal
CyDeTS Cycle Detection in Time Series (CyDeTS). An algorithm to detect cycles in times series along with their respective depth-of-cycle (DoC) and duration github_cydets zenodo_cydets
demandlib Generate load profiles for elctricity and heat demand github_demandlib zenodo_demandlib
feedinlib Calculate feedin timeseries for fluctuating renewable energy source from Open Data weather data github_feedinlib zenodo_feedinlib
TESPy Thermal Engineering Systems in Python (TESPy). Powerful simulation toolkit for thermal engineering plants such as power plants, district heating systems or heat pumps github_tespy zenodo_tespy
windpowerlib Calculate the power output of wind turbines github_windpowerlib zenodo_windpowerlib

Projects in an early state

The following projects are in an early stage of development and might change frequently.

Package Description Links
DHNx District heating system optimisation and simulation models. github_dnhx